Your Application

Your Application Is Your First Assignment for The National School of Aesthetics

Your application is the first step in the enrolment procedure. When you submit your application, you are letting us know you are serious about studying one of our beauty courses with us. We require information from you to make sure you are suitable for the course and to speed up the interview and enrolment process.

Your Application

You will need to submit a completed application form to us for any programme you are interested in attending. For Ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students, we prefer if you complete and submit this online.

All applicants (except those types of ākonga / students exempt from supplying this documentation as listed below) need to supply the following supporting documentation:

Proof of Identity and Proof of Right to Study

Legally, we need to confirm the identity of every ākonga / student who applies and enrols with us.

You must provide us with: Ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students must supply one from each column below.
Proof of citizenshipProof of identity
New Zealand passport
Foreign passport with a valid New Zealand visa
Long-form birth certificate with your place of birth stated as New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Tokelau, or Niue, and listing your genderNew Zealand driver’s license
Statement of Whakapapa, with date of birth, countersigned by a kaumatuaKiwi Access Card (18+) photo ID card
Certificate of citizenship or a letter of confirmation of citizenshipNew Zealand school-issued ID card
Verified passport photo
International students must supply a valid passport with a valid New Zealand student visa and student permit.A driver’s license does not prove you are a citizen and cannot be accepted as proof of citizenship.You can either scan or take a photo of these on your phone, but they must be clear and squared (no angled photos or scans). You will need to bring the originals with you to your interview.

Verified Passport Photo

Please note: You will only need to provide us with a verified passport photo if you cannot supply any of the forms of identification above.

What do we require in a passport photo?

This passport photo must be:

  • 5 centimetres high by 4 centimetres wide;
  • colour;
  • current;
  • a passport photo (other types not accepted);
  • certified as a true copy of your likeness on the back
    • There is normally a sticker you can get from the passport photographer. It reads:
      • Full Name of Applicant. This is where you put your full name, i.e. Jane Marie Smith
      • Signature of Certifier. This is the signature of someone who can verify this is you. You cannot sign that you verify you are you.
      • Date. The date the certifier signed the photo.
    • Photos that are not certified will only be considered valid once someone from the school witnesses:
      • your passport; or
      • your driver’s license; or
      • any other legal or official photographic ID or ID card.
Where can you get a passport photo?

You can buy passport photos at a passport photographer. Search for “passport photographers” on Google or Bing for more information.

Do we accept alternatives, i.e. school photos, digital photos, et cetera?

Sorry, no alternatives are acceptable. The photo is used for identification purposes.

If you have any questions about this photo, please let us know.

Proof of Learning and Qualifications

If you have an NZQA Record of Learning and have gained a National Certificate or National Diploma, you may not need to submit proof of learning, as we can view this on-line.

If you do not have an NZQA Record of Learning, or have not gained a National / New Zealand Certificate or National / New Zealand Diploma, you may need to provide any qualifications or transcripts you may have from prior learning that is NZQA-Approved or equivalent are helpful. Please submit photocopies.

Why do we need proof of learning and qualifications?

The Tertiary Education Commission and other government bodies require we give the limited places we have in each programme to those ākonga / students who demonstrate the most promise of success. Successful completion of prior learning and qualifications can demonstrate this.

What do you need to submit to us?

We require evidence you have actually undertaken and completed prior learning and / or qualification.

What is evidence of proof of learning and qualifications?

Proof (or evidence) of this can be demonstrated through:

  • A copy of your certificate / diploma / degree;
  • Academic transcripts;
  • Academic references from the educational body;
  • Record of Learning (NZQA or other);
  • Other type of proof (license, et cetera).

We will not consider previous learning or qualifications stated in a CV as relevant if evidence (as outlined above) is supplied.

Photocopies or scanned copies via email are acceptable as long as you bring the originals with you to your interview.

Recognition of Prior Learning Form and Evidence

If you wish to apply for Recognition of your Prior Learning, you will need to consult our Recognition of Prior Learning page. This process takes place alongside the application process.

Please note that the learning must be relevant to the programme you are applying for, and you can download the form from our Downloads page. There is a charge for this service.

Types of Ākonga / Student Exempt from Supplying This Documentation

Ākonga / students who fall into one of the categories below do not need to supply supporting documentation, unless expressed below, with their application.

  • Ākonga / students currently enrolled with the National School of Aesthetics
  • Prospective ākonga / students wanting to enrol in a Statement of Achievement level course. These ākonga / students, if they do not fall into the previous category, will need to supply proof they hold the correct qualifications in order to meet the programme pre-requisites.

Scanning or Taking Photos of Your Documentation

It is important you scan or take photos of your documentation (including passports, driver’s licenses, birth certificates, and forms) correctly.

If it is not taken correctly, we will ask you to rescan or retake the photos and resubmit them to us.

Examples of correct and incorrect scans and photos are below:

An example of an acceptable scan of an application form. This form has been scanned in a photocopier on a high dots per inch rate.

Acceptable Scanned Document

This example of an acceptable scan of an application form has been scanned in a photocopier on a high dots per inch (DPI) rate.

An example of an acceptable photo of an application form. The form has a minimal shadow on it and the margins are acceptable. The entire form is in the shot, and there is minimal margin around the border.

Acceptable Photographed Document

This example of an acceptable photo of an application form has a minimal shadow on it and the margins are acceptable. The entire form is in the shot, and there is minimal margin around the border.

An example of an unacceptable photo of an application form. There is a shadow across the photo and the form is on an angle with a wide margin around the paper.

Unacceptable Photographed Document

Shadow and Angle

This is an example of an unacceptable photo of an application form. There is a shadow across the photo and the form is on an angle with a wide margin around the paper.

An example of an unacceptable photo of an application form. The form is too close, cutting off many parts of the form, and the sheet is crumpled.

Unacceptable Photographed Document

Too Close and Crumpled

This is an example of an unacceptable photo of an application form. The form is too close, cutting off many parts of the form, and the sheet is crumpled.

An example of an unacceptable photo of an application form. The form has too large of a margin around it, and the sheet is crumpled.

Unacceptable Photographed Document

Too Far Away and Crumpled

This is an example of an unacceptable photo of an application form. The form has too large of a margin around it, and the sheet is crumpled.

An example of an unacceptable photo of an application form. The form is on a very bad angle, and there is a large margin of space around the form itself.

Unacceptable Photographed Document

Bad Angle and Too Far Away

This is an example of an unacceptable photo of an application form. The form is on a very bad angle, and there is a large margin of space around the form itself.

Application and Enrolment Dates

We accept applications and enrolments during certain periods of the year. Please submit your applications and enrolments within the “windows” below.

Applications and Enrolments

Applications and Enrolments 2025

 Programmes starting from:
 January to June 2025July to December 2025
Submit your application on or after:All ākonga / students1 September 20241 March 2025
The last day we can accept your application is:Ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students
  • 20 January 2025 before 3 PM for nail technology or;
  • 27 January 2025 before 3 PM for beauty therapy or;
  • Until the intake is full
  • 14 July 2025 before 3 PM for nail technology or;
  • 21 July 2025 before 3 PM for beauty therapy or;
  • Until the intake is full
International students15 November 20241 May 2025
The last day we can accept your enrolment is:Ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students
  • 24 January 2025 before 12 PM for nail technology and;
  • 31 January 2025 before 12 PM for beauty therapy unless;
  • The intake is full
  • 18 July 2025 before 12 PM for nail technology and;
  • 25 July 2025 before 12 PM for beauty therapy unless;
  • The intake is full
International students22 November 20249 May 2025

We reserve the right to accept late enrolments after a programme starts where places remain, up to about a week after the programme starts.

Further Information for All Applicants

When you have submitted all the information as listed above (and provided the school is in the interview and enrolment period), then we will contact you to make an appointment for your formal interview. These are normally held during office hours.

Ākonga / students applying for any Statement of Achievement programmes may not need to attend an interview.

When you attend the interview, please bring any originals with you of the information you have submitted. We will review it. Also bring any questions you may have.

Also ensure your appearance (clothes, etc.) is adequate to the situation of an interview.

We keep all this information, so if there is some part of your information you wish to have returned, include a photocopy of it in your submission instead of the original. Submit the original at the interview for us to have a look over. You will be charged for photocopying and staff time if you have submitted your original and need it back.

You have the right to bring someone along to all sections of the interview; however, you must contact us prior to the interview to let us know that person is coming along so we can adjust the space accordingly.

Making a false declaration is an offence under the Crimes Act 1961, so ensure the information you give in the Application and Enrolment Forms, in your submission, and in other documentation is truthful.

Withdrawing Your Application

This section is for people who have submitted an application but have not enrolled.

If you are an enrolled ākonga / students and wish to withdraw from your course, please see the Withdrawal Procedure.

If you have submitted an application, regardless if you have had the interview or not, or if your application is complete or not, and you wish to withdraw the application before enrolment, you are required to notify us in writing. Email or letter (with reasons) is acceptable.

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