• We are closed for the Summer School Holidays from 12 PM on Thursday, 19 December 2024 until 8:30 AM on Monday, 20 January 2025.
  • We are still accepting applications for February 2025 programmes. Apply online!

Behavioural Guidelines

We Expect All Ākonga / Students to Demonstrate a Certain Standard of Behaviour While Attending Classes at The National School of Aesthetics

Behavioural guidelines ensure we maintain a certain standard of education at the National School of Aesthetics.

This doesn’t mean we don’t like to have a laugh and a good time, but it does mean there are the right and wrong times to do this.

Behavioural Guidelines

We expect a certain standard of behaviour at our school, and if you do not follow this, we may discipline you, or, if we find gross misconduct, we may suspend you, ask you to leave the programme, or expel you, based on legal advice we receive from our solicitors.

As an ākonga / student, you should:

  • Follow the example the Code of Ethics lay down for your behaviour.
  • Attempt to remain impartial and open to new ideas and the ideas of others.
  • Work as a team with your fellow ākonga / students, the staff, and the school.
  • Try your hardest and remain positive.
  • Put aside personal prejudices.
  • Perform and receive all treatments expected in your programme, unless medically unable to receive / perform them. A medical professional may need to clear / substantiate this, and if you are unable to perform some treatments, you may be ineligible to qualify fully.

You should not:

  • Engage in gossip.
  • Slander or degrade other ākonga / students, the staff, the school, or others.
  • Actively engage in bullying, prejudicial or discriminatory behaviours.
  • Engage in activities that may injure, maim, hurt, or otherwise harm other ākonga / students, the staff, the school, or others.
  • Express or demonstrate personal prejudices.
  • Participate or organise activities or events that may bring you, your fellow ākonga / students, the staff, the school, graduates of the school, or any affiliates of the school into ill repute.
  • Refuse to have a required treatment performed on you or to perform a treatment on another unless you are medically exempt from it.

You must maintain a standard of acceptable behaviour while attending the school. If you do not, you may face disciplinary procedures.

Disciplinary Actions

Any serious or continual breach of ethics, rules or behaviours may see you facing disciplinary actions including but not limited to suspension, police investigation and / or expulsion without refund. We may take legal advice before acting.

Breaches in which disciplinary action will be considered include, but are not limited to:

Theft of School Property

If you are suspected to have stolen any school property, you may be subject to a police investigation. If you are found to possess school property, you may be expelled without refund and / or prosecuted. (If you are suspected to have stolen another classmate’s property, this is a personal matter between you for both parties to resolve.)

Gross Misconduct

Including but not limited to:

  • You slander or maliciously gossip.
  • You bring the name of the school, our ākonga / students, our staff, or our affiliates into disrepute.
  • You intend to or actually deliberately injure, disfigure, or cause bodily harm to our clients, ākonga / students, staff, or affiliates.
  • While you are at the school, you use alcohol; use illegal drugs; are under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other mind-altering substances; or are grossly misusing over-the-counter, prescribed, or legal medications or drugs.
  • You operate equipment or perform treatments under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or other mind-altering substances or medication that puts our clients, ākonga / students, tutors, staff members or others at risk.
  • You knowingly make false accusations against our ākonga / students or our staff, in writing or verbally.
  • You knowingly mislead a member of our staff or the school.

Harassment and Bullying

If you aggressively attempt to imbalance power repeatedly against others, you may be considered to be bullying.

See Harassment and Bullying for more info.

Copying, Colluding, Falsifying, and Plagiarising

If you knowingly copy information or ideas from another source in any assessment without giving the author proper credit, you may be committing one of these.

See Academic Integrity for more info.

Lack of Attendance or Effort, or Disrupting Class

If you continually refuse to rectify your situation, you may be asked to leave the programme or be expelled without refund.

Leaving School Early

If you leave school early without telling an appropriate tutor or staff member, you will be marked absent for the entire day. If you need to leave, you should tell us so we can account for you in an emergency.

Other Negative Behaviour

If you act in any negative way contrary to the established policies of the school or New Zealand law, you may be dealt with accordingly.

Making a false declaration is an offence under the Crimes Act 1961.

Student Action Plans

When an ākonga / student demonstrates a serious deficiency in an area (attendance, theory achievement, et cetera), we reserve the right to hold a meeting with you to work out a Student Action Plan. Like a non-conformance, preventative action or corrective action, the Student Action Plan:

  • Identifies the problem or problems
  • Offers the solution or solutions
  • Provides steps the ākonga / student can take to reach the solution or solutions
  • Identified who must take which steps to achieve the solution or solutions

We will require the ākonga / student to sign this with one of us as an agreement between the ākonga / student and the school.

If the ākonga / student does not take corrective steps to rectify the problem area or areas, we may attempt to create another Student Action Plan to reinforce the first Student Action Plan.

An ākonga / student’s non-compliance with their Student Action Plan may result in:

  • The problem or problems affecting the ākonga / student’s other programme work
  • Disciplinary measures being activated against them
  • Us taking no further responsibility for their non-compliance
  • Us or senior management suggesting or ordering you to seek and receive external help
  • Further meetings between the ākonga / student and the school
  • Other corrective actions, preventative actions, and / or non-compliance correction measures

Harassment and Bullying

Bully (verb): To affect by means of force or coercion

Merriam-Webster dictionary

We take a very dim view of harassment and bullying. If you feel, at any time, that you are a victim of harassment or bullying, use the Complaints Procedure to report this, in writing, to a member of the operations team or the Principal.

Actions will be taken accordingly after an investigation takes place. If we feel we cannot carry out the investigation adequately, the appropriate people or organisations may be summoned to assist or carry out the investigation, i.e. Police.

With complaints, including harassment, bullying and other such cases, we need evidence to base a judgement on, so it is very important to report this and gain independent verification to help support your claim.

In the first instance, we strongly encourage you to speak calmly and rationally with the other person to see if you can resolve the issue amongst yourselves, but only if there is no threat to your physical safety.

We absolutely positively need a written complaint with evidence to investigate.