Welcome from Dr. Noel Turner, Our Chief Executive Officer

Our Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder and Owner, Dr. Noel Turner, Welcomes All Prospective Ākonga / Students and Discusses The National School of Aesthetics and Our Achievements and Successes

Tēnā koutou katoa,

When Don Kendall and I originally set up The National School of Aesthetics in 1985, we did so because we were determined to operate a Christchurch-based beauty therapy school that provided ākonga / students with high quality training and offered some of the finest international qualifications in the world.

Now, over 40 years later, we have proven our ability to do just that, remaining the South Island’s leading beauty therapy education provider. We are proud of our affiliations with our international governing bodies. We have grown from a two-room training facility in the suburbs to solely occupying a 1,200 square meter building with well over 2,000 graduates holding our qualifications.

NaSA is proud to have an enviable record amongst the beauty industry which sees many beauty clinics and spas both here and overseas seeking our graduates. They heartily recommend the school to people enquiring about where they might obtain the best qualifications.

We have a dedicated team who are constantly striving to help you become the best you possibly can and great care is taken administering our programmes to ensure that they are completely up-to-date and meeting or exceeding the standards dictated by our governing bodies.

We’re New Zealand’s oldest beauty therapy education provider, still owned and operated by one of our original owners. Don and I are not only recipients of the Contribution to the Industry award but also members of New Zealand’s Beauty Hall of Fame and Honourary Members of the New Zealand Association of Registered Beauty Practitioners. No other beauty therapy education provider in New Zealand can offer you that level of expertise and history.

I look forward to welcoming you into our school and promise you that all of us here will do our utmost to guide and support you as you strive to become a member of the family of thousands of NaSA graduates.

Yours Sincerely,
Noel Turner, PhD, ITEC
Chief Executive Officer
The National School of Aesthetics – Te Kura Whakaoho ā Roto ā Waho
Christchurch, New Zealand