• We are closed for the Summer School Holidays from 12 PM on Thursday, 19 December 2024 until 8:30 AM on Monday, 20 January 2025.
  • We are still accepting applications for February 2025 programmes. Apply online!

How to Complete the Application and Enrolment Contract Part 1 Form for Domestic Students

Instructions for New Zealand Citizens and New Zealand Permanent Residents on How to Complete Part 1 of the Application and Enrolment Contract at The National School of Aesthetics

This application form is the first step in the enrolment procedure. When you submit your application, you are letting us know you are serious about studying one of our beauty courses or nail technology courses with us. We require information from you to make sure you are suitable for the programme and to speed up the interview and enrolment process.

Ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students can now Apply Online. This is our preferred method of application.

Want to download this form? You can download the Application and Enrolment Contract Part 1 Form for Domestic Students from our Downloads page.

Introductory Notes to The Application and Enrolment Contract Part 1 Form

What is an ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic student?

Ākonga a Aotearoa / Domestic Student

An ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic student is a:
  • New Zealand citizen; or
  • Australian citizen in New Zealand; or
  • citizen of a New Zealand protectorate; or
  • a foreign citizen with a New Zealand residency class visa.

If this description does not fit your situation, you are an international student and should consult the How to Complete the Application Form for International Students page.

Introductory notes

  • Our Application and Enrolment Contract Part 1 form can be downloaded from our downloads page.
  • This form is for ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students only. International students can download their form from our Web site.
  • This form works best if you use Adobe Acrobat Reader on a PC, laptop, iMac, or MacBook laptop. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader from https://get.adobe.com/reader/
  • This form gathers data for your enrolment as required by the Government. It does not enrol you in the programme but helps us judge your eligibility for the programme. If you are offered a place, Part 2 of the form will confirm your enrolment.
  • Please carefully read the form before filling it out. Supply truthful answers. Submit all pages.
  • By submitting the form and your information, we may grant you an interview or enrolment.
  • If you are printing the form out and submitting it, use blue or black pen, print clearly and neatly and use CAPITAL LETTERS for your answers.
  • Ensure your details are correct and read over all information supplied to you prior to applying.
  • Please ensure you initial the bottom corner of each page and sign and date the last page. If you are under 18, your parent or legal guardian will need to do the same thing.
  • This form does not automatically enrol you in the programme.
  • The sections in this form have been rearranged from the previous year’s version due to a change in Student Management System software.

This form is for programmes starting in 2025 only.

Section A: Your Programme and Your Starting and Finishing Dates

Your programme

  • Tick the box next to the programme or programmes you are applying for.

Your starting and finishing dates

  • Tick the box next to the dates of the intake you are applying for.
    • Choices are:
      • February intake
      • July intake
    • You can only apply for each intake when applications are open. See Application and Enrolment Dates for more information.

Section B: About You

Enter your legal first, middle and last names in the areas supplied. For example, if you are known as “Katy Smith” but your legal name is “Katherine Rebecca Smith-Jones”, you would need to enter “Smith-Jones” as your legal surname and “Katherine Rebecca” as your legal first names. Please include all parts of your legal name so it makes it easier for us to match your application to your learning records.

Preferred name

Enter the name people commonly call you. For example, if you are known as “Katy Smith” but your legal name is “Katherine Rebecca Smith-Jones”, you would enter “Katy” or “Katy Smith” as your common name.

Previous names / aliases

If you have ever had another legal name (i.e. maiden name) or other aliases you have gone by (whether legally changed or not), please enter this information here.

Phone numbers and email address

This section is self-explanatory. You must enter at least a cell phone number, or, if you don’t own a cell phone, a land-line number.

Permanent address

Please list your permanent mailing address. This is an address which is normally your family home. Use NZ Post formatting and correct (post 2007) post code. You can find this at www.nzpost.co.nz/tools/address-postcode-finder.

Address while studying (if known)

Please list your address while studying if you are moving to a new address. If it is the same as your permanent address, please write, “Same as above”. If you are unsure, please leave this blank and let us know once you have moved.


Tick the box of your gender. If the gender you identify with is different from the gender listed in your legal documents, please discuss this with us so we can ensure our records align with your identified gender.

Date of birth

This needs to be your legal date of birth in the DDMMYYYY format.

NZQA number or National Student Number

This is your NZQA record of learning number, which is also your National Student Number. This is located on your NZQA record of learning and your NCEA certificates. If you don’t have one or don’t know it, leave it blank. (Your application will be processed quicker if you supply your National Student Number.)

Section C: English Language and Literacy and Numeracy for Adults

English language

If English is not your first or native language, please mark “No”. You may need to prove you meet our English language requirements, although, in some cases, this may not be necessary.

Literacy and Numeracy for Adults

If you have undertaken the Literacy and Numeracy for Adults assessment tool, please mark “Yes” and answer the next question. If you have not undertake the assessment, please mark “No” and proceed to the next section.

Section D: Your Citizenship and Residency

  • Your citizenship is the country you hold, or would hold, a passport from.
  • Your residency is the country you normally reside in.
  • You can be a citizen of one country and a resident of another, i.e. an English citizen living in New Zealand with a residency class visa.

Are you a New Zealand citizen?

If you hold dual citizenship where one of the citizenships is New Zealand, please enter “Yes” to confirm you are a New Zealand citizen. You will need to supply us with evidence of your New Zealand citizenship.

Country of citizenship for non-New Zealand citizens

If you are a citizen of another country, please enter the name of the country in the field. Do not abbreviate the name of the country.

New Zealand residency class visa

If you are a citizen of another country, you will need to have either a New Zealand or Australian residency class visa to study with us as an ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic student. Australian citizens usually are granted New Zealand residency upon arrival to the country, so please mark “Yes” if this applies to you. We will need evidence of either when you apply.

Australian residency class visa

If you are a citizen of another country and hold an Australian residency class visa, then you should mark “Yes”. We will need evidence of your residency class visa when you apply.

How long have you been in New Zealand with a residency class visa or with your Australian citizenship?

If you are a New Zealand residency class visa holder, or Australian permanent resident or citizen living in New Zealand, and you have been that for less than 3 years, you may not be eligible to access the Student Loans and Allowances scheme or the Fees Free scheme. You will need to arrange payment from your own funds.

Section E: Health and Safety

We gather this information to ensure your and your classmates’ health and safety are protected as best as it can be throughout your time studying with us. If there is a change in your status, please let us know as soon as possible.

You are expected to give and receive all treatments unless you have medical clearance from a licensed medical professional to exempt you. We must have that exemption in writing on file.

Are there supports that would help you while learning with us?

There are 6 different types of assistance listed and 1 “no” answer.

We may not be able to supply some or any of these supports. The Government requires us to ask this question.

This information is gathered for Ministry of Education and other Government agencies, so please help us correctly report our students’ statuses to comply with their information-gathering exercises.

Do you describe yourself as disabled, deaf, neurodiverse, tangata whaikaha Māori, living with a long-term physical condition and / or living with a long-term mental health condition?

The Government requires us to ask this question. In it, you should tell us if you are:

  • disabled
  • deaf
  • neurodiverse
  • tangata whaikaha Māori
  • living with a long-term physical condition
  • living with a long-term mental health condition.

Declaring this helps us help you as best as we can.

This information is gathered for Ministry of Education and other Government agencies, so please help us correctly report our students’ statuses to comply with their information-gathering exercises.

Questions about health and learning conditions, piercings, medication, et cetera

We gather this information due to:

Physical health, mental health and learning conditions

  • Health conditions may be contraindications to some or all of our treatments so we need to ensure your health and safety is protected and you suffer no adverse reactions. Learning conditions may affect your learning, so we need to see how we can help you inside the classroom so you can achieve and succeed while studying with us. (Please note: We require written diagnoses for some health conditions and all learning conditions. If you have a learning condition, you may need an external specialist tutor to help you achieve and succeed.)


  • Facial and body piercings: You may need to remove some types of facial and body piercings during treatments. You will need to replace them with a plastic sleeper. This is to ensure the therapist giving you the treatment does not accidentally remove or damage the piercing. Some electrical currents can “tattoo” impure metals into the skin as well.

Regular, ongoing, and current medication

  • Medication can affect some products and treatments. We need to ensure your health and safety is protected and you suffer no adverse reactions.

Hospitalisation and on-going illnesses

  • On-going illnesses may interfere with your ability to achieve and succeed in the programme. Any treatment also needs to avoid recent scars from surgery.

Learning conditions; behavioural and attention conditions; and conditions affecting sensory systems

  • These may affect your learning, so we need to know how we can help you inside the classroom so you can achieve and succeed while studying with us. (See the notes in “Health and learning conditions” above.)

Charged with, received diversion from, or convicted of a serious crime

  • We will consider these on a case-by-case basis. Please disclose this to us so we can make an informed decision. Purposely misleading us may be a crime under the Crimes Act and its subsequent amendments. (Please note: You have the right to conceal any minor offence occurring over 7 years ago if unrepeated and as per the Criminal Records [Clean Slate] Act 2004 and its subsequent amendments, providing you meet all other conditions of the act.)

Explanation of your answers if you answered “Yes” to any question

Please explain why you answered “yes” to one or more of the questions in the area provided beneath the corresponding question. If you need more room, please expand on your answer on another sheet of paper and attach that piece of paper to your application. You may need to supply a diagnosis or medical clearance from a qualified medical or other professional.

Section F: Your Next-of-Kin and Emergency Contacts

We need to have the contact details of one (1) person who knows you. If you are under 18 years old at the time of your application, this contact must be a parent or legal guardian.

We may contact this person in an emergency or when we can’t get a hold of you.

  • All areas must be completed, except the “Phone numbers” section, which can have either a cell phone number or a land-line number only where the person does not have a cell phone or a land-line number. You must enter at least one (1) phone number.
  • The contact person must be the parent or legal guardian where the applicant is under 18 years old.
  • The contact person must be 18 years old or older.

Section G: Your Ethnicity

Your ethnic groups

This information is gathered for Ministry of Education and other Government agencies, so please help us correctly report our students’ ethnicities to comply with their information-gathering exercises. You can check up to 3 ethnicities that apply to you.

If you have identified as New Zealand Māori…

Iwi and rohe

List the name or names of your iwi. If you are unsure of the iwi, write “unsure” or “unknown”.

Section H: Your Activity

Your activity on 1 October 2024

  • Please select one (1) option only about your main activity or occupation in New Zealand on 1 October 2024.
  • If you were overseas on 1 October 2024, please select “Overseas” no matter what you were doing overseas.

Are you a caregiver for a child, relative, or friend? (Family commitments)

Because we are preparing you for the workforce, we have a strict attendance policy. If you are a caregiver for a child, relative or friend, you will need to ensure both their and your needs are met.

  • Let us know the names and ages of the people you care for.
  • Explain to us, in detail, what alternate plans you have for care if your child cannot go to care or school.
    • For example, if your child is unwell and unable to attend school, what back-up plans do you have to ensure your child is taken care of so you can attend class?
  • Explain to us, in detail, what further alternate plans you have for care if your original / first plans for care fall through.
    • For example, if your child is unwell and unable to attend school, and your mother was supposed to look after your child, but she has to work, what back-up plans do you have to your back-up plan?

Explain in detail your reasons for wanting to study and work in this industry

We want to make sure that the students we select for enrolment have the best possibility to achieve and succeed in not only the programme but also the industry. It is very important for you to explain to us why you want to enrol and study in our programme, no matter how much or how little you know about our industry. We strongly encourage you to do research into the industry before applying or enrolling. (We’re not expecting you to be an expert though.)

Important: If you supply too short an answer, we may not accept your application. You need to explain in detail to us.

Section I: Your Previous Academic History and Achievements

Some of this information is gathered for Ministry of Education and other Government agencies, while other information is to help us make an informed choice when interviewing and potentially enrolling you.

Section I1: Your Secondary School / High School Academic Information

Examples of secondary schools include:

  • Villa Maria College
  • Papanui High School
  • Burnside High School

The name of your last secondary school and the last year you attended that school

Name of your last secondary school
  • Please enter the correct and full name of the last secondary school you attended unless the last secondary school you studied at was overseas. (If that is the case, simply write “Overseas”.)
Last year at your last secondary school
  • Please enter the last year you studied at your last secondary school. Please note: the last year you studied at your last secondary school cannot be after the first year you studied at your first tertiary education provider in section I2

Your highest level of achievement from secondary school

This is the highest compulsory school certificate you received. Most students should be able to check their Record of Learning on the NZQA Web site to find out the answer to this question.

  • Mark one answer only.
  • If your last secondary school was overseas, please mark “Overseas qualification” and write in the name of the qualification you gained. For example, if your last high school was in the USA, you would write, “High school diploma”.
  • 99.99% of students will be able to mark one answer besides “Other”. It would be an extremely rare case to mark “Other”. If you have to mark that category, please explain in the write-in area.

Section I2: Your Tertiary Level Academic Information

Examples of tertiary education organisations include:

  • Yoobee College
  • University of Canterbury

Will this be the first year you have ever enrolled in a tertiary-level programme since leaving secondary school?

If you marked “Yes”, please continue to the next section. If you mark “No”, please continue to the next question.

The name of your first tertiary education organisation and the first year you attended that school

Name of your first tertiary education organisation
  • Please enter the correct and full name of the first tertiary education organisation you attended, i.e. “Massey University” not “Massey”.
The first year you attended that tertiary education organisation
  • Please enter the first year you studied at your first tertiary education organisation. Please note: the first year you studied at your first tertiary education organisation cannot be before the last year you studied at your last secondary school in section I1.

The name of your latest tertiary education organisation and the last year you attended that school

Name of your latest tertiary education organisation
  • Please enter the correct and full name of the latest tertiary education organisation you attended, i.e. “Massey University” not “Massey”. If your answer in the first tertiary education organisation question is the same answer, write “Same” in the space provided.
The last year you attended that tertiary education organisation
  • Please enter the last year you studied at your latest tertiary education organisation.

Highest level achieved

What is the highest level you achieved from a successfully completed tertiary-level programme?

  • If you’ve studied at the tertiary level before but never completed a programme, mark “never completed”.
  • If you aren’t sure about the level, mark “Unknown”.
  • The programme might have been completed at a different tertiary education provider than your first or your latest tertiary education organisation.

The name of your highest level qualification and the year you completed that qualification

The name of your highest level qualification
  • Please enter the correct and full name of the highest level qualification you have achieved, i.e. “Diploma in Beauty Therapy and Applied Aesthetics (Level 5)” not “Beauty Therapy”. If you have not achieved any tertiary-level qualifications but have attended a tertiary education organisation previously, please write “None”.
The year you completed that qualification
  • Please enter the year you finished (not started) your highest level qualification.

List of all previous tertiary-level qualifications, the year you achieved them, and the tertiary education organisation you gained them from

For every tertiary-level qualification you hold, please list:

  • The correct and full name of the qualification you achieved, i.e. “Diploma in Beauty Therapy and Applied Aesthetics (Level 5)” not “Beauty Therapy”.
  • The year you finished (not started) the qualification
  • The correct and full name of the latest tertiary education organisation you attended, i.e. “Massey University” not “Massey”.

Have you ever withdrawn from, or not successfully completed, a programme or qualification?

  • If you marked “Yes”, please expand upon your answer in the area provided.
  • Answering “Yes” does not automatically disqualify you from being considered.
  • If you mark “No”, please continue to the next section.

Section J: Your Payment Details

You need to think critically about how you are going to pay for the programme and the extra expenses (both from the school and from other parties) as they become available. We highly suggest you create a realistic budget before you apply for our programme.

Methods of payment

Personal funds

  • If you or another person is paying your fees using your own money (i.e. money in the bank, credit card, et cetera), you will need to pay this into your Public Trust account after you enrol but before your programme starts.

Student Loan scheme

  • If you are applying or unsure if you are applying, for a student loan and / or allowance, check this box. You will need to contact StudyLink on 0800 88 99 00 or www.studylink.govt.nz to apply.

Adequate finances

Worrying about adequate money to pay your bills could potentially distract you from achieving and succeeding in your programme. Please ensure you have adequate money to pay for the programme, its extra expenses, and your day-to-day living.

Section K: Your Right to Study and Your Identity

You must provide us with:

Ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students must supply one from each column below.

Proof of citizenship Proof of identity
New Zealand passport
Foreign passport with a valid New Zealand visa
Long-form birth certificate with your place of birth stated as New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Tokelau, or Niue, and listing your gender New Zealand driver’s license
Statement of Whakapapa, with date of birth, countersigned by a kaumatua Kiwi Access Card (18+) photo ID card
Certificate of citizenship or a letter of confirmation of citizenship New Zealand school-issued ID card
Verified passport photo

International students must supply a valid passport with a valid New Zealand student visa and student permit.

A driver’s license does not prove you are a citizen and cannot be accepted as proof of citizenship.

You can either scan or take a photo of these on your phone, but they must be clear and squared (no angled photos or scans). You will need to bring the originals with you to your interview.

We may not contact you regarding your application if you have not submitted the documents above as requested.

Further Information and Requirements

Recognition of Prior Learning

If you wish to apply for us to recognise any prior learning you have undertaken, you need to complete the Application for Credit Towards a NaSA Programme form, available for download from our Web site, and pay the application fee, where applicable. This must take place at the application stage.


Read over the declarations listed on the application form. Your initials and signature confirm you understand and agree to the terms and conditions listed.

Your understanding and agreement checklist

You need to check the checkboxes to indicate you understand and agree to do the following things:

  • Supply proof of citizenship (and permanent residency if you are not a New Zealand permanent resident)
  • Supply proof of identity
  • Supply transcripts of previous learning and / or NZQA Record of Learning (if you have them)
  • Supply any medical and / or learning condition documentation if and when required
  • Watch the Interview Presentation
  • Read over and understand the Student Handbook
  • Read over and understand the Students section of our Web site

Your initials and signature

You need to initial the bottom of each page.

You will also need to sign and date the appropriate area on the last page.

If you are under 18, you will need to have your parent or legal guardian initial each page as well, and sign and date the area below your signature.

What you need to include with your application

You will need to include:

  • A photocopy or scan of your passport or valid New Zealand driver’s license
  • A photocopy or scan of your highest qualification and any other qualifications / transcripts you wish to submit.
  • Applying for professional development course? Include prerequisite qualifications, i.e. Diploma in  Beauty Therapy.
  • The separate piece of paper or electronic document with your answers on them, if required.
  • If English is not your first language, proof you meet our language requirements.

You need to bring the original of your passport or valid New Zealand driver’s license to your interview. You also need to bring your original documentation for verification. Your legal surname must match your documentation.

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