You Need to Complete Case Studies or a Portfolio in Your Programme at The National School of Aesthetics
Case studies indicate your understanding and critical thinking regarding treatments you are delivering, and documents this for us to assess if you are studying the New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy course or the New Zealand Diploma in Beauty Therapy course. Portfolio entries not only show the same information case studies do but also documents additional hours you complete outside of your programme at The National School of Aesthetics if you are studying the New Zealand Certificate in Nail Technology.
General Information about Case Studies and Portfolio Entries
Case Studies
A case study is written documentation of work you have carried out on a client. A case study should reflect your competence in and knowledge of the subject. Case studies are a requirement of both the:
- New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy course; and the
- New Zealand Diploma in Beauty Therapy course.
We will give you case studies to complete throughout your time training with us. You will need to complete all of them fully and successfully to pass your programme.
These assignments are compulsory.
Case studies are:
- required assessments that count towards your overall grade
You must achieve:
- 60% overall in case studies with a minimum pass of 60% in each case study
All case studies must be handed in to a passable standard in order to qualify.
All work must be your own work. You will need to think critically about the treatment you are giving and report back on all steps of your work with your model. Some case studies and all portfolio entries require photographic evidence of your work.
Case studies of a poor standard will be returned to you, and you will need to redo those case studies and hand them in again. You only have one opportunity to do this. See the Rules and Regulations for more information.
ITEC now calls case studies evidence of treatments. These are still, in essence, the same thing.
- These are completed under the guidance of your tutors, who will monitor the quality of your written work.
- Each case study should take 3-5 hours work: practical and written. Some can be started in class and then completed at home, but for the majority should be completed outside of class.
- Certain treatment assignments are due at various times of the year. See the Case Studies Due Dates for your due dates during the course.
Please find further instructions and documentation below.
Portfolio Entries
A portfolio entry is both a written documentation and photographic evidence of work you have carried out on a client. A portfolio entry should reflect your competence in and knowledge of the subject. Portfolio entries are a requirement of the New Zealand Certificate in Nail Technology programme.
These assignments are compulsory.
Portfolio entries are:
- required assessments that count towards your overall grade
You must achieve:
- 60% overall in portfolios with a minimum pass of 60% in each portfolio entry
All portfolio entries must be handed in to a passable standard in order to qualify.
All work must be your own work. You will need to think critically about the treatment you are giving and report back on all steps of your work with your model. Some case studies and all portfolio entries require photographic evidence of your work.
Please find further instructions and documentation below.
You must complete your case studies / portfolio entries and turn them in on time.
You cannot pass your programme without completing all of your case studies / portfolio entries.
All case studies / portfolio entries are compulsory to pass.
You must turn them in to a passable standard.
Downloadable Case Studies Forms
Subject-Specific Case Study Forms
Our case study forms only work properly in current offline versions of Microsoft Word.
If you are a current student and need non-macro versions to work with Google Docs or another programme, please see Scott.
Instructions on How to Use Case Study Forms
- When you open any of the Microsoft Word (.docx) files, it will tell you it is in protected view.
- Click “Enable editing” to start work on the case study.
- You can alter the checkboxes and any input boxes in the document, then save it.
- It would be best to save each case study with a different, memorable name, like “manicure-client-suzie-smith-18-02-2024.docx”.
Individual Case Study Forms
See your Teams page for individual case study forms.
Case Studies and Portfolio Entries Due Dates
Case Studies Due Dates
Ākonga / students in both the New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy course and the New Zealand Diploma in Beauty Therapy course will have case studies to complete.
Please check with your tutor on which case studies are due when during your programme.
Portfolio Entries Due Dates
Ākonga / students in the New Zealand Certificate in Nail Technology programme will have portfolio entries to complete.
Please check with your tutor on which portfolio entries are due when during your programme.
Failing Case Studies or Portfolio
If you do not pass one or more case study or portfolio entry, you cannot pass your programme.
You will need to see the head of your department to talk about how to rectify this.