Our Policy Regarding Ākonga / Students with Disabilities, Medical Conditions, and Learning Conditions at The National School of Aesthetics?
Ākonga / Students with disabilities, medical conditions, and learning conditions may need support from our team and external specialists and agencies. While we are a small tertiary education provider with a tight-knit team, knowing about your condition can help us help you as best as we can.
Overview of Policy on Ākonga / Students with Disabilities, Medical Conditions, and Learning Conditions
- We may consider candidates with conditions, but for an ākonga / student to achieve and succeed in our programme and the industry, they will need to have adequate and appropriate support from outside the school as well.
- Some conditions, such as uncorrected or uncorrectable severe blindness or deafness, can preclude an ākonga / students from qualifying and / or working in our industry.
- You must supply a written diagnosis from a qualified specialist or medical practitioner.
- We bear no responsibilities if we do not receive written diagnosis as defied above.
- We cannot give additional assistance or special considerations without written diagnosis.
- We are not special education tutors and are under no obligation to supply you with one.
Making a false declaration is an offence under the Crimes Act 1961. The National School of Aesthetics reserves the right to cancel the enrolment of any ākonga / student who has misrepresented him- or herself on his or her application or accompanying documentation.
Learning Conditions
This affects you if:
- You have been formally diagnosed with a learning condition like dyslexia (for example); or
- You suspect or believe you have a learning condition like dyslexia (for example).
Before the programme, you should:
- Visit a medical or educational professional for testing and written diagnosis.
- Provide us with the written diagnosis with your application.
- Provide us with additional information from the professional on how we can help you learn.
During the programme, you may need to:
- Work with a qualified specialist outside school to help you.
- Ask for additional help from tutors in areas where they are qualified or able to help you.
- Spend additional time outside class studying or practicing routines.
If you are formally diagnosed with a learning condition or develop a belief you may have a learning condition during the programme, please follow the points listed in the “Before the programme” part of this section, then the points listed in the “During the programme” part of this section.
Physical or Mental Conditions
This affects you if:
- You have been formally diagnosed with a physical and / or mental condition that may contraindicate you from or interfere with your ability to meet your programme requirements; or
- You suspect or believe you have a physical and / or mental condition that may contraindicate you from or interfere with your ability to meet your programme requirements.
Before the programme, you should:
- Visit a medical or educational professional for testing and written diagnosis.
- Provide us with the written diagnosis with your application.
- Provide additional information from the professional on how we can avoid further medical reoccurrences, if required, or further assist you, if possible.
During the programme, you may need to:
- Take all practical steps to safeguard your and your classmates’ health, where applicable.
- Supply a model for your classmate to work on if you’re unable to receive certain treatments.
- Ask for additional help from tutors in areas where they are able or qualified to help you.
- Gain the appropriate and ongoing support from outside the school, if required.
If you are formally diagnosed with a physical condition or develop a belief you may have a physical condition during the programme, please follow the points listed in the “Before the programme” part of this section, then the points listed in the “During the programme” part of this section.
If you have a physical condition that prevents you from having certain treatments performed on you, you may need to supply a model for your classmates to practice on.
If you have a physical condition that prevents you from having certain treatments performed on you and you performing those treatments, you may not pass that section of the course.