Read Through Legal Information, Our Privacy Statement, and Disclaimers for The National School of Aesthetics
We include legal information, our privacy statement and disclaimers related to this Web site and our documentation about The National School of Aesthetics.
We use the following terms on this page:
- “You” means the person we are collecting information from; and
- “We” means “Aesthetics House Limited trading as The National School of Aesthetics”
Quick Links about Legal Information and Disclaimers
Legal Name and Status
We are registered as a New Zealand Limited Company with the Companies Office as Aesthetics House Limited. Our Company Number is 494085.
We trade as The National School of Aesthetics.
Our Ministry of Education Provider Code is 8601.
Privacy Statement
Privacy Statement about the Information We Collect from You through the Contact Us and Course Information Pack Pages
When you contact us through our Contact Us page or download a course information pack from our Course Information Pack page, we collect personal information from you, including information about your:
- name
- contact information
- interactions with us
We collect your personal information in order to:
- follow up on enquiries
- contact those who download our course information packs
Providing some information is optional. If you choose not to enter their full name and contact details, we’ll be unable to answer your enquiries or allow you to download a course information pack.
We keep your information safe by storing it on a secure internal server and on a secure Microsoft server and only allowing our operations team members to view it. We keep your information for approximately one year at which point we securely destroy it by erasing all digital copies.
You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at, or (03) 366-5037, or PO Box 1582, Christchurch 8140.
We collect personal and statistical information from you when you apply for a programme which is required by the Ministry of Education, New Zealand Qualifications Authority, Ministry of Social Development, and Tertiary Education Commission.
The Content on this Web Site and Trademarks
Content on this Web Site
The content on this site, intellectual or otherwise, remains the copyright property of Aesthetics House Limited. Certain photos and templates have been purchased from their creators, and we retain the right to use them.
No unauthorised distribution or reproduction is allowed without the expressed written consent of the owners of Aesthetics House Limited.
Registered Trademarks
Aesthetics House Limited have registered the following trademarks:
- NaSA
- NaSa
- nasa
Common-Use Trademarks
Aesthetics House Limited declare the following trademarks through common use:
- The National School of Aesthetics
- National School of Aesthetics
- National Spa Academy
Aesthetics House Limited also declare the following phrases trademark through common use:
- “Launch your career”
- “Launch your beauty career”
- “Launch your nail career”
- “Launch your spa career”
- “Launch your beauty therapy career”
- “Launch your nail technology career”
- “Launch your spa therapy career”
- “Launch your beauty career with NaSA”
- “Launch your beauty therapy career with NaSA”
- “Launch your nail career with NaSA”
- “Launch your nail technology career with NaSA”
- “Launch your spa career with NaSA”
- “Launch your spa therapies career with NaSA”
- Any variants thereof
- The National School of Aesthetics reserves the right to alter any information about programmes as listed on our Web site or in our brochures.
- Programmes will only start if sufficient enrolments exist.
- While we make every effort to ensure the information presented is accurate and up-to-date, this Web site and the information listed on it, should only be regarded as indicative.
- We will give official NaSA information about programmes and fees at the interview, or you can obtain this by contacting the us during our office hours.