How Do You Pay Your Programme Fees and Extra Expenses at The National School of Aesthetics? Can You Pay Your Programme Fees by Student Loan, Fees Free or Another Way?
Your programme fees and extra expenses are due on the first day of your course. New Zealand citizens and permanent residents may be eligible for student loans and allowances, Fees Free, and / or the Training Incentive Allowance to help off-set the cost.

Quick Links about Programme Fees, Extra Expenses, and Sources of Funding
Programme Fees
Your entire programme fee should be paid by the first day of the programme.
No payment plans are available.
Overdue programme fees may exclude you from attending your programme for a period of time.
What Are Programme Fees?
Programme fees are the fees you pay for the programme itself.
These fees cover tuition and training and some products used in your training.
Extra expenses or course-related costs are not included in your programme fees.
Paying Your Programme Fees
You pay your programme fees into your Public Trust account.
You need to use the account number and your individual analysis code located on your Public Trust form.
If you are getting a Student Loan, this will be paid directly to Public Trust.
Payment Terms for Ākonga a Aotearoa / Domestic Students
Our payment terms for ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students in our programmes are:
- You pay your full fees before or on your programme’s first day.
- If you are paying by Student Loan, this goes automatically to Public Trust.
- If you are not paying by Student Loan, please pay Public Trust directly, using the bank account and your special code as instructed at enrolment.
- You should pay all extra expenses when they become due. We do not place these into the individual trust account as they are outside the scope of that policy.
- Under the Public Trust scheme, we are unable to accept payment plans.
Special Notes about Paying Your Programme Fees (Ākonga a Aotearoa / Domestic Students)
- If your programme fees are remain unpaid, we may ask you to stop attending your programme until they are paid.
- Apply for your student loan as soon as possible. Follow their instructions carefully.
- If someone else is paying your fees, you are responsible to make sure they know when they are due, to give them your invoices in a prompt manner, etc.
Payment Terms for International Students
Our payment terms for international students in our programmes are:
- You pay your full fees on enrolment.
- Please pay Public Trust directly, using the bank account and your special code as instructed at enrolment.
- You should pay all extra expenses when they become due. We do not place these into the individual trust account as they are outside the scope of that policy.
- Under the Public Trust scheme and New Zealand immigration laws, we are unable to accept payment plans.
Special Notes about Paying Your Programme Fees (International Students)
- We cannot authorize or approve your enrolment until all your programme fees are paid to the full New Zealand amount.
Your Public Trust Account
Your Public Trust account has been set up to keep your programme fees safe in case of provider collapse.
If you are paying your programme fees yourself, please pay them directly to Public Trust, using the account number and your individual analysis code as located on your Public Trust form.
Student loans are paid directly to Public Trust. We then allocate the your student loan to the your account.
Do not pay your successful application fee or your extra expenses into the Public Trust account.
The Public Trust form states how Public Trust pays us your fees.
This is not how you pay your fees to us.
Fees Free
The Fees Free Scheme is changing from 2025 onwards.
The Fees Free Scheme
This information is tentative and subject to change.
Fees Free is a government scheme where ākonga / students who have never studied at the tertiary level may be eligible for up to $12,000 GST inclusive to be reimubrsed for programme fees and extra expenses they have paid once they successfully complete their final year of their first tertiary-level qualification.
Once an ākonga / student completes their final year of their first ever tertiary-level qualification, they will need to apply to Inland Revenue to have up to $12,000 GST inclusive for programme fees and extra expenses to be reimbursed to their student loan account or them directly. This happens the year after the student successfully completes their qualification.
At the moment, we cannot advise you if you are eligible for Fees Free for 2025 as there are no tools available to do this.
Please see the Fees Free Web site for further information, if available.
Student Loans and Allowances
Student loans and allowances may be available to eligible ākonga / students. For more information, visit the StudyLink Web site or call them on 0800 88 99 00.
You need to supply them with your ID number, provider code and PC code of your programme.
The Government has tightened eligibility for student loans and allowances, including:
- A 7 EFTS lifetime borrowing limit
- A requirement of passing at least 50% of courses over the previous 2 years
- Permanent residency for 3 years (in total) for permanent residents before being eligible for a student loan and allowance.
Please visit the StudyLink Web site or contact StudyLink directly to see if these changes affect your eligibility to apply for a student loan or allowance.
Your ID Number
Your ID number is the same as your NZQA record of learning number / National Student Number.
It is located in most of our letters to you in the application, interview, and enrolment process.
Ministry of Education Provider Code of The National School of Aesthetics
Our Ministry of Education provider code is 8601.
PC Codes
Programme | PC Code |
Certificate and Diploma in Beauty Therapy | CO3691 |
New Zealand Certificate in Nail Technology | NZ3443 |
Student Loan
A student loan can help cover some or all of the programme fees for an ākonga / student and some of their extra expenses or course-related costs.
A student loan needs to be paid back. You repay your student loan to Inland Revenue (IRD).
You apply for the student loan yourself. We do not do this for you.
The different parts of the student loan are:
Compulsory Fees Component
- The course fees component of your student loan pays some or all of your programme fees.
- Your international examination fees cannot come from compulsory fees.
- StudyLink pays the compulsory fees component directly to our Public Trust account for us to be allocated to your individual account.
Course-Related Costs Component
- The course-related costs component of your student loan pays up to $1,000 for your extra expenses or course-related costs.
- StudyLink pays the course-related costs component to your account to either reimburse you for your costs or to pay for some of your course-related costs.
Living Costs Component
- The living costs component can pay up to a certain amount per week for things like your rent, groceries, and so on.
- The amount paid depends on your circumstances.
- In some circumstances, you may be eligible for a student allowance instead.
- StudyLink pays the living costs component to your account.
Your international examination fees are considered extra expenses. You would borrow this fee against the course-related costs component of your student loan.
You cannot borrow your international exam fees against the course fees component of your student loan.
Your programme fees cover your National School of Aesthetics examinations.
Student Allowance
A student allowance can help cover some of your living costs while studying with us.
A student allowance does not need to be paid back.
You apply for the student allowance yourself. We do not do this for you.
StudyLink pays the student allowance to your account.
Eligibility for a student allowance depends on your circumstances.
If you are not eligible for a student allowance, you can borrow a similar amount from the living costs section of your student loan.
Contact StudyLink for further guidance on student allowances.
Not Meeting Programme Requirements with a Student Loan and / or Allowance
If you don’t meet programme requirements, StudyLink may revoke your student loan and / or allowance.
If this happens, StudyLink may:
- Ask for immediate repayment.
- Refuse any further applications for student loans and / or allowances until you pass another programme by 50% or more, paid for with your own money.
How the Student Loan and Allowance Process Works from Our End
After you’ve successfully applied for your student loan and / or allowance, we receive a Verification of Study (VoS) from StudyLink.
We match this record with our records, so it is very important that your legal name matches the enrolment form and your current passport or other legal document you have supplied us.
Your date of birth and student ID must also match.
Once we receive the VoS, we fill it out on-line and send it back to StudyLink.
We have a turnaround time of between 8 and 48 hours from receiving the VoS. 99.9% of the time, we return the VoS within 24 hours of receiving it.
On the VoS, we fill out your programme fees (loan only), starting and finishing dates, and Equivalent Full Time Status (EFTS).
The VoS goes back to StudyLink for final processing and payment.
If you are having problems with StudyLink, please see the operations team for assistance.
Contacting StudyLink
You can contact StudyLink in the following ways:
Phone | 0800 88 99 00 | Web site | |
You will need to fill out a contract with StudyLink (online) and submit it with supporting documentation.
Please make sure you complete this as soon as possible to avoid delays in payment.
Extra Expenses
Extra expenses are course-related costs above and beyond your programme fees. We cover extra expenses in our course information pack, but the Student Handbook gives you further information on them, like where to purchase them and why you need them. You need to pay us or the supplier in full for the goods before we will give them to you.
Before your first day of class, we will email you three (3) invoices:
- 1 from Aesthetics House Limited trading as The National School of Aesthetics for your programme fees; and
- 1 from Aesthetics House Limited trading as The Natonal School of Aesthetics for your school-related extra expenses; and
- 1 from Aesthetics Imports trading as Aesthetics Importing for more school-related extra expenses.
The Course Information Pack and Student Handbook list extra expenses.
What Are Extra Expenses?
Also called course-related costs, extra expenses are items outside of the programme fees.
This can be items like your uniform top, your uniform pants, stationary, your books, your linen kit, and so on.
You buy some extra expenses from The National School of Aesthetics and other extra expenses from our sister company, Aesthetics Importing.
Other extra expenses you will buy from external suppliers like Briscoes or The Warehouse (“external supplier”).
Extra expenses are listed in the Course Information Pack and in detail in the Student Handbook.
Payment Methods for Your Extra Expenses
You can pay for your extra expenses in different ways, including:
- Online
- via Stripe on Xero (there may be additional charges for this option)
- Internet banking
- In person
- Cash
- Credit cards (Visa and Master Card only)
We do not accept personal cheques, business cheques, or bank cheques.
Paying for Your Extra Expenses
Supplier | Instructions |
The National School of Aesthetics (NaSA) |
Aesthetics Importing (AI) |
External Supplier |
Do not pay your extra expenses to Public Trust.
You must purchase all required extra expenses for your programme from The National School of Aesthetics and Aesthetics Importing.
Work and Income Training Incentive Allowance
The Training Incentive Allowance is a one-off payment made by Work and Income New Zealand for certain beneficiaries to help with programme costs and extra expenses.
The Training Incentive Allowance does not usually need to be paid back.
You apply for the Training Incentive Allowance yourself. We do not do this for you. Your WINZ case manager will give you a form (or you can download this from the Work and Income New Zealand Web site). You will need to fill out your sections, and we will have a section to fill out as well. Please make an appointment with us – do not show up without an appointment – so we can complete this section for you.
You will need to make an appointment with your WINZ case manager to discuss your options. It pays to make a follow-up appointment at your first appointment so you can streamline the process for you.
WINZ may pay us some, or all, of your Training Incentive Allowance directly. They may also pay you, or other providers (day care for your children, for example), directly. This varies from case to case.
You can find more about the Training Incentive Allowance on the Work and Income New Zealand Web site here:
Please make sure your WINZ case manager emails us with what any Training Incentive Allowance payment is to pay for.
We can’t allocate the money correctly if we don’t know what it is for.
Contacting Work and Income New Zealand
You can contact Work and Income New Zealand in the following ways:
Phone | 0800 559 009 | Web site | |
Late or Overdue Payments
If your programme fees or extra expenses are late or overdue, and you have not made alternate plans with us, we may suspend you from attending your programme until full payment has been made.
You are still responsible for full payment of your programme fees and extra expenses even if you are not attending after the withdrawal period has lapsed.
In the very rare case that a student does not pay their fees and stops attending after the withdrawal period has lapsed, the debt may be sent to a debt collector for recovery of the debt.
Withdrawals and Refunds
If you are withdrawing from a programme or course(s) within your programme, you will need to check the Withdrawal Procedure for how to withdraw and refunds, if any, available.
The Student Handbook also outlines withdrawals and refunds within its pages.