• We are closed for the Summer School Holidays from 12 PM on Thursday, 19 December 2024 until 8:30 AM on Monday, 20 January 2025.
  • We are still accepting applications for February 2025 programmes. Apply online!


Your Enrolment Is Your Final Step to Confirm Your Study with The National School of Aesthetics

Your enrolment is the final step in the enrolment procedure. Enrolment is the process by which you and NaSA legally commit you to studying a beauty course or nail technology course with us.

Quick Links about Enrolment

If you are a new ākonga / student with us, once you’ve completed the application and interview process successfully, you may receive an enrolment form and supporting documentation with an offer of place. You will then need to complete the process.

Please note that enrolment conditions may be different for you depending on whether you have studied with us before or not, and if you are a domestic or international student.

In this section, we have a variety of information, including:

Ākonga a Aotearoa / Domestic Student versus International Student

Ākonga a Aotearoa / Domestic Student

An ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic student is a:
  • New Zealand citizen; or
  • Australian citizen in New Zealand; or
  • citizen of a New Zealand protectorate; or
  • a foreign citizen with a New Zealand residency class visa.

International Student

An international student is a foreign (non-New Zealand or Australian) citizen who must gain a student visa and permit in order to study in New Zealand.

Enrolment Periods

We have two types of enrolment periods:

Normal Enrolment Period

In the normal enrolment period:

  • After your successful interview, we will hold a place for you for approximately 2 weeks.
  • During this time, if no other places are available to other applicants, we will place those applicants on a waiting list while you make a decision.
  • We will release your place if you do not complete your formal enrolment by 3 PM on the last day we are holding your place.
  • Formal enrolment requires all the information required submitted.

Normal Enrolment Period 2025

  Programmes starting from:
  January to June 2025 July to December 2025
Starts on: All ākonga / students: 1 September 2024 1 March 2025
Ends on: Ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students:
  • 20 December 2024 before 12 PM or;
  • When the intake is nearly full
  • 27 June 2025 before 12 PM or;
  • When the intake is nearly full
International students: 22 November 2024 9 May 2025

Late Enrolment Period

In the late enrolment period:

Late Enrolment Period 2025

  Programmes starting from:
  January to June 2025 July to December 2025
Starts on: Ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students:
  • 20 December 2024 after 12 PM or;
  • When the intake is nearly full
  • 27 June 2025 after 12 PM or;
  • When the intake is nearly full
International students: Enrolments closed
Ends on: Ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students:
  • 31 January 2025 before 12 PM or;
  • When the intake is full
  • 25 July 2025 before 12 PM or;
  • When the intake is full
International students: Enrolments closed

Your enrolment will be denied if any part is missing or not correct. Please ensure all parts are completed prior to submission.

Enrolment Conditions

Enrolment is the process in which you commit yourself to the course. Completion of the interview neither enrols you in the course nor guarantees you a place in the course.

In order for us to complete your enrolment, we and the law requires us to have:

Your Completed Enrolment Form

All ākonga / students must complete this requirement

We use an enrolment contract similar to the one supplied by the Ministry of Education. For ākonga a Aoteaora / domestic students, there are two parts of this enrolment contract, which form one larger document. They are:

Application and Enrolment Contract, Part 1

You submit this when you apply, and it captures most of the statutory information we need to report to the Government in reports.

Application and Enrolment Contract, Part 2

You submit this when you enrol, and it confirms what you are studying, your fees, and the terms and conditions of your study with us. It also legally binds you and us in a contract.

We may supply you with other forms with your enrolment form. You may need to fill these out or follow the instructions to complete those forms successfully prior to us enrolling you.

By signing the enrolment form, you understand and agree to abide by the conditions of the legally-binding contract as well as the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures associated with the school.

In order to break the contract, you must follow the Withdrawal and Refunds Policies and Procedures, located in this section, or visit www.nasa.co.nz/withdraw/ for more information.

The Student Handbook is a companion to the enrolment form, and by signing the enrolment form, you verify you understand the information:

  • in the enrolment form
  • in the Student Handbook
  • on our Web site and
  • in the course information pack

Proof of Citizenship

All ākonga / students must complete this requirement

All ākonga / students must prove:

  • Their legal citizenship
  • Their legal permission to study in New Zealand.

All first-time ākonga / students and international students must complete this requirement.

Ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students enrolling for a secondary enrolment may not need to prove this.

Proof of Identity and Proof of Right to Study Chart

You must provide us with:

Ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students must supply one from each column below.

Proof of citizenship Proof of identity
New Zealand passport
Foreign passport with a valid New Zealand visa
Long-form birth certificate with your place of birth stated as New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Tokelau, or Niue, and listing your gender New Zealand driver’s license
Statement of Whakapapa, with date of birth, countersigned by a kaumatua Kiwi Access Card (18+) photo ID card
Certificate of citizenship or a letter of confirmation of citizenship New Zealand school-issued ID card
Verified passport photo

International students must supply a valid passport with a valid New Zealand student visa and student permit.

A driver’s license does not prove you are a citizen and cannot be accepted as proof of citizenship.

You can either scan or take a photo of these on your phone, but they must be clear and squared (no angled photos or scans). You will need to bring the originals with you to your interview.

New Zealand Citizens

For New Zealand citizens, this can be a:

  • Long-form birth certificate with your place of birth stated as New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Tokelau, or Niue, and listing your gender; or
  • New Zealand passport; or
  • Statement of Whakapapa, with date of birth, countersigned by a kaumatua; or
  • Certificate of citizenship or a letter of confirmation of citizenship.

A driver’s license does not prove you are a citizen and therefore cannot be accepted as such.

New Zealand Residents (Non-NZ-Citizens) and International Students

For non-New Zealand citizens, this can be an overseas passport with a valid New Zealand:

We must see the original student visa and permit, if you are an international student.

Acceptable Evidence

You can either show us the original at interview or enrolment or send us a verified copy. Do not send us your originals in the post or by courier.

Proof of a residency class visa or right to study in New Zealand

All ākonga / students who do not hold New Zealand citizenship must complete this requirement

All ākonga / students who are not New Zealand citizens must prove their legal right to study in New Zealand.

All first-time ākonga / students who do not hold New Zealand citizenship and international students must complete this requirement.

Ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students enrolling for a secondary enrolment may not need to prove this.

New Zealand Residents (Non-NZ-Citizens) and International Students

For non-New Zealand citizens, this must be an overseas passport with a valid New Zealand:

  • Residency class visa and permit; or
  • Student visa and permit.

For more information on student visas and permits, see www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/options/study

We must see the original student visa and permit if you are an international student.

Acceptable Evidence

You can either show us the original residency class or student visa and permit at interview or enrolment or send us a verified copy of the residency class visa. Do not send us your originals in the post or by courier.

Proof of Identity

All ākonga / students must complete this requirement

New Zealand citizens who supply a non-photo identification as proof of citizenship (birth certificate, statement of Whakapapa, or certificate of citizenship) will need to supply proof of identity.

This can be a:

  • New Zealand driver’s license
  • Kiwi Access Card (18+) photo ID card
  • New Zealand school-issued ID card
  • Verified passport photo (see the Verified Passport Photo section of our Application page for more information on the requirements for this).

Proof of Identity and Proof of Right to Study Chart

You must provide us with:

Ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students must supply one from each column below.

Proof of citizenship Proof of identity
New Zealand passport
Foreign passport with a valid New Zealand visa
Long-form birth certificate with your place of birth stated as New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Tokelau, or Niue, and listing your gender New Zealand driver’s license
Statement of Whakapapa, with date of birth, countersigned by a kaumatua Kiwi Access Card (18+) photo ID card
Certificate of citizenship or a letter of confirmation of citizenship New Zealand school-issued ID card
Verified passport photo

International students must supply a valid passport with a valid New Zealand student visa and student permit.

A driver’s license does not prove you are a citizen and cannot be accepted as proof of citizenship.

You can either scan or take a photo of these on your phone, but they must be clear and squared (no angled photos or scans). You will need to bring the originals with you to your interview.

Change of Name

If your legal name is different from the one on your birth certificate, passport or other document, you must submit evidence that this new name is your current legal name. You can do this by submitting a marriage certificate (in case of name change by marriage) or deed poll declaration (change of legal name only).

Acceptable Evidence

You can either show us the original at interview or enrolment or send us a verified copy. Do not send us your originals in the post or by courier.

Successful Application Fee

All successful applicants must complete this requirement

Our programmes are all selected entry programmes.

All successful applicants will have to pay a non-refundable successful application fee when they enrol.

The successful application fee is currently $150.

How can I pay the successful application fee and when do I pay it?

You can pay your successful application fee:

  • In cash when you enrol in person
  • By EFTPOS or credit card when you enrol in person
  • By internet banking at least 24 hours before you enrol

If you pay the successful application fee by internet banking, you will need to follow the instructions on your enrolment form. Remember to enter your surname and first initial in one reference field for us and your ID number in another reference field for us.

Payment of Full Programme Fees

International students must complete this requirement on enrolment

International students will have to pay their full course fees on enrolment.

The fees hold your place in the programme.

We must have your fees before we:

  • Provisionally enrol you
  • Confirm your eligibility for a student visa
  • Carry out further enrolment work

You must pay your fees directly to your Public Trust account number and individual analysis code as located on your Public Trust form at least 24 hours before you enrol.

 All ākonga / students must complete this requirement by the first day of the programme

Public Trust Form

All ākonga / students who are required to establish a Public Trust account must complete this requirement

Who needs a Public Trust form?

  • All ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students in any programme
  • All international students in any programme

What do I need to do with the Public Trust form?

You will need to:

  • Fill out the relevant information on the form
  • Sign and date the form in the ākonga / student area
  • Have your legal guardian sign and date the form in the legal guardian area only if you are under 18 years old
  • Initial the form on the back page in the area indicated
  • Have your legal guardian initial the form on the back page in the area indicated only if you are under 18 years old

Once you have completed these tasks, either return the form with your enrolment:

  • In person
  • Via post or courier
  • Via email — You must make sure the scan is clear and scanned to the corners, i.e. an A4 piece of paper should be a clear A4 piece of paper size when we receive it in email.

How does the Public Trust account work?

In accordance with the Education Act, any course fees you pay will be placed in a managed trust account held by Public Trust.

In the case of receivership, liquidation (involuntary) or the revocation of NZQA Registration and/or Accreditation, your individual Public Trust account protects your paid fees. Individual means your student fee trust account pertains to you and is covered by an agreement between us and Public Trust.

You are required to complete the Public Trust application and turn it in on enrolment if you pay any programme fees (e.g. student loan, paying your own fees, international students).

Your student trust account works as follows. To us, Public Trust releases:

  • $3,000 or 20% of the programme fee, whichever is the lesser, on the ninth (9th) calendar day after the programme’s starting date for ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students and eleventh (11th) business day after the programme’s starting date for international students.
  • The remainder of the programme fee, in arrears and in equal payments, fortnightly.

This means if we could no longer provide tuition to you for one of the reasons outlined above, you would be able to use the remainder of your fees (still in the trust account) to continue your studies at another provider or opt for a pro-rata refund.

If you are suspended, expelled or if you withdraw or disappear from the programme on or after the 9th calendar day after the programme’s starting date (ākonga a Aotearoa / domestic students) or on or after the 11th business day after the programme’s starting date (international students), you are not eligible for a refund, as per the conditions of your enrolment contract with us.

For more info on Student Fee Protection, please see the Fee Protect Information for Students Web page.

PLEASE NOTE: The above statements are in no way indicative of the financial or operational status of the National School of Aesthetics; however, we have provided this information to help you make an informed decision about your education provider. Also, we are required by the Government to inform you of this policy.

The payment schedule on the Public Trust form is not how you pay your programme fees to us.

Your programme fees are due in full by or on the first day of the programme.

Only programme fees (not the successful application fee or extra expenses) are paid into the Public Trust account.

Enrolments are taken on a first-come, first-served basis.

Your enrolment will be denied if any part is missing or not correct. Please ensure all parts are completed prior to submission. If, after we receive a partial submission, you take no further action, we reserve the right to bill you for time spent on “chasing you up”. See the charges at Fees and Charges.

Making a false declaration is an offence under the Crimes Act 1961, so ensure the information you give in all documentation is truthful. We have the right to cancel your enrolment if you have misrepresented yourself in any way in any documentation you provide us.

When fully enrolled, you have paid for a service that allows you the right to attend the programme as enrolled in on your enrolment form and accepted into in your acceptance letter. We provide this service in full upon enrolment. The charges associated with your programme do not diminish or reduce in any way if you do not attend parts of the programme.

More Enrolment Information for International Students

International students have more information available to them with regards to the enrolment process. Please read:

What is a Verified Copy?

A verified copy is a photocopy of an original document, signed and dated as a true and accurate copy by someone authorised in the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957 as able to take declarations. This person usually has an official stamp to use as well.

People authorised under the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957 to perform this include:

  • Justice of the Peace (JP) or Notary Public
  • Barrister or solicitor of the High Court
  • Court Registrar or Deputy Resigtrar
  • Member of Parliament
  • New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), Public Trust, government department (including Internal Affairs and Inland Revenue) or local authority employee designated as taking oaths and declarations

If you are from a remote community and unable to access someone in one of these positions, you can use a school principal, minister of religion or general practitioner (GP).

The person signing the document must list their name, official designation, and date, and sign the document. It should also bear a phrase to the effect of, “I certify that this is a true and accurate copy” above the signature.

Provisional Enrolment for International Students

We may grant you provisional enrolment, meaning you will need to complete further steps in order to be fully enrolled with us, but we are holding a place until you do so.

If you are an international student, you will also need to:

  • Provide evidence after provisional enrolment you have a current student visa; and
  • Provide evidence once you have arrived in New Zealand you have a current student permit; and
  • Provide evidence you have gained adequate travel and medical insurance. This can be made after enrolment but must be made prior to starting the course or travelling to New Zealand.

More information on student visas and permits can be found on our Student Visas and Permits page.

Additional Enrolment Requirements for International Students

If you are an international student, there are extra requirements you need to meet prior to starting a course with us. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Proving, where English is not your first language, you have the adequate skills in the language through test results, such as IELTS or TOEFL (see the Entry Requirements for further information).
  • Paying your full fees, not only the successful application fee, on enrolment
  • Gaining and continuing to hold approval from the Immigration New Zealand to study at the National School of Aesthetics by holding a valid, relevant student visa and permit
  • Holding adequate, current medical and travel insurance throughout your time studying with us.

More information on student visas and permits can be found on our Student Visas and Permits page.

More information on medical and travel insurance can be found on our Medical and Travel Insurance page.

Restricted Entry and Entry with Provisions

We reserve the right to restrict or limit entry to programmes on the basis of resource constraints. Our selection criteria attempt to be as open-minded as possible; however, with TEC’s requirement of ākonga / student achievement, we will attempt to only select ākonga / students with the most promise of completing their chosen programme of study successfully.

We also reserve the right to place provisions on enrolment. Examples of provisions may be:

  • Providing medical clearance in cases where a medical condition (physical or mental) may be present.
  • Supplying any special needs or further instructions for ākonga / students with learning conditions from a medical or qualified practitioner.
  • Meeting the legal requirement to demonstrate residency or the right to study in New Zealand, including, but not limited to:
    • Demonstrating proof of residency class visa acceptance if the ākonga / student does not hold a residency class visa at the time of application but will gain it in the near future.
    • Demonstrating proof of student visa and permit (or other acceptable visas and permits) if the international student does not hold the correct visa and permit at the time of application but will gain it in the near future.
  • Demonstrating proof of adequate travel and medical insurance for international students.

If you have a medical condition (physical or mental) or learning disability and do not declare this to us in your application or interview with us, you could be seen to have misrepresented yourself. We have the right to either withdraw our offer of place (if you have not enrolled) or cancel your enrolment (if you have enrolled).

Confirmation of Enrolment

Once you have successfully completed enrolment, we will send or give you:

  • A letter confirming you are enrolled. This has your student ID number and orientation date and time on it; and
  • A copy (photocopy or scanned) of your enrolment form; and
  • A copy (photocopy or scanned) of your Public Trust form (where applicable).

Please keep these in a safe place as evidence of confirmation of enrolment.

View the Previous Page in the Enrolment Section