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Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning Is the Way We Gauge Prior Beauty Therapy or Nail Technology Training You Claim to Have

You may feel you have prior learning you want us to consider when you apply for a beauty course with us. This process is called Recognition of Prior Learning, and the three different processes are named Assessment of Prior Learning, Credit Transfer, and Cross Crediting.

Here are how we define each of these terms:

  • Assessment of Prior Learning:
    • You want us to credit you for your previous informal training.
  • Credit Transfer:
    • You want us to credit you for your previous formal (NZQA-Approved) training.
  • Cross Crediting:
    • You want us to credit you for your previous training with us.

There is a maximum amount of credits we allow you to transfer in recognising your prior learning.

About Recognition of Prior Learning

What is Recognition of Prior Learning?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is when we recognise and credit your prior training or learning towards our programme you are enrolling in.

When does Recognition of Prior Learning take place?

Recognition of Prior Learning is completed after the interview stage but before the offer of enrolment stage of your enrolment with us. Please note you may need to still attend and sit-in on classes you have RPL for.

What are the definitions of “course” and “programme” in the Recognition of Prior Learning policies and procedures?

  • A programme is a selection of courses leading to a qualification (formal award).
    • Example: New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy (Level 4) [NZ3444]
  • A course is a group of components with similar subjects can be grouped together to form a course. One or several courses can be combined to create a programme.
    • Example: BT4033 Perform a manicure treatment or pedicure treatment

Will I need to complete assessments in the areas where I have gained Recognition of Prior Learning?

This varies from programme to programme and course to course, as some assessments straddle more than one course. Please speak to the Principal about this matter.

What is the minimum Recognition of Prior Learning I can gain?

The minimum Recognition of Prior Learning we can give you is at the course level.

What is the maximum Recognition of Prior Learning I can gain?

The maximum Recognition of Prior Learning we can give you varies from programme to programme.

See the Maximum Credits Allowed in Recognising Your Prior Learning section for more information.

Do I have to pay course fees for a course I gain Recognition of Prior Learning on?

This varies from programme to programme and course to course, dependent on whether you are attending the Recognition of Prior Learning course(s) or not, et cetera. Please speak to the Student Liaison Officer about this matter.

Are there any restrictions on Recognition of Prior Learning?

Yes. Students who are undertaking the full programme take enrolment priority over Recognition of Prior Learning students in some circumstances.

NaSA graduates enrolling for another programme with us also take priority over other Recognition of Prior Learning students.

We have put restrictions in place to limit the number of students with Recognition of Prior Learning we take per intake and per programme.

Please speak to the Student Liaison Officer about these matters.

Our international governing bodies may not let you sit their qualifying examinations if you did not complete your training with us or with an approved provider.

Assessment of Prior Learning

Assessment of Prior Learning Policy

What is Assessment of Prior Learning?

Assessment of Prior Learning (APL) determines your knowledge and / or skills you have gained through informal training or without a certificate through an assessment or series of assessments to determine the level and depth of your knowledge and / or skills against our standards.

In which circumstances should I apply for Assessment of Prior Learning?

If you believe you have gained training informally or without a certificate to the same level and depth as a course in a programme you are applying for, you can apply for Assessment of Prior Learning.

When does Assessment of Prior Learning take place?

You must apply for Assessment of Prior Learning during the application stage of your enrolment with us. We need to complete APL prior to your full enrolment.

Do I have to pay for Assessment of Prior Learning?

Yes. Please see www.nasa.co.nz/fees/ for more information.

Application Procedure for Assessment of Prior Learning

Find out which course or courses you believe you have knowledge and / or skills that you gained through informal training or without a certificate.

  • A course is defined as a full unit with performance criteria, which, when combined with other courses, creates a programme and leads to a qualification. For example, the “Perform a manicure treatment or pedicure treatment” course is one of several courses creating the New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy programme.

Apply for Assessment of Prior Learning using the Application for Credit Towards a NaSA Programme Form downloadable from our Web site.

  • You need to submit your Assessment of Prior Learning application with your normal Application Form.
  • You must complete Assessment of Prior Learning before you enrol with us.
  • We may charge you a fee for each assessment. See www.nasa.co.nz/fees/.
  • You must pay your APL fees (not your programme fees) prior to us assessing you.

Once we receive your Assessment of Prior Learning application and fees, we will contact you to arrange your Assessment of Prior Learning.

We will confirm an assessment timetable with you in writing.

You arrive to perform the assessment at the scheduled time.

  • If you are undertaking a practical Assessment of Prior Learning, you will need to supply a model and supplies. The assessor will discuss this with you prior to the assessment being booked.

Our assessor will outline your assessment and the timing of the assessment.

Our assessor will assess your performance and / or knowledge against the performance criteria outlined in our course. Our assessor uses this information in judging your competency.

Our assessor will assess your performance and / or knowledge against the performance criteria outlined in our course. Our assessor uses this information in judging your competency.

We will confirm your marks for the course assessed against and will send your results.

If you are successful in Assessment of Prior Learning, we will then offer you Recognition of Prior Learning. You are then able to enrol in the programme once we issue the offer of enrolment to you.

Your Recognition of Prior Learning results are only good for a programme until such time as that programme changes or the end of the academic school year, whichever comes first.

If you believe you are eligible for assessment of prior learning, you can download the Application for Credit Towards a NaSA Programme Form on our Downloads page.

There is a maximum amount of credits allowed to be transferred in recognising your prior learning.

Credit Transfer

Credit Transfer Policy

What is Credit Transfer?

Credit Transfer (CT) determines your knowledge and / or skills you have gained through successfully completing formal training from another recognised training provider through either transcripts or an assessment or series of assessments to determine the level and depth of your knowledge and / or skills against our standards, and this formal training nearly or completely aligns with our training.

In which circumstances should I apply for Credit Transfer?

If you bIf you believe you have successfully completed formal training from another recognised training provider to the same level and depth as a course in a programme you are applying for, you can apply for Credit Transfer.

When does Credit Transfer take place?

You must apply for Credit Transfer during the application stage of your enrolment with us. We need to complete Credit Transfer prior to your full enrolment.

Do I have to pay for Credit Transfer?

Yes. Please see www.nasa.co.nz/fees/ for more information.

Examples of Credit Transfer

Example 1 of Credit Transfer

  • Jane successfully completed a qualification with ABC School of Beauty Therapy (London), an ITEC-approved provider, that included ITEC Unit 11 (Manicure and Pedicure) 2 years ago.
  • She now is applying to study the New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy at the National School of Aesthetics.
  • She wishes to have this prior learning count towards her study so she doesn’t have to repeat it.
  • Jane would employ the Credit Transfer Procedure as the unit she has learned is the same as employed by ITEC and NaSA.
  • In this case, ITEC Unit 11 meets the requirements of “Demonstrate and apply knowledge of contraindications to manicure and pedicure treatments”, “Demonstrate and apply knowledge of cosmetic products and tools for manicure and pedicure treatments”, and “Perform a manicure treatment or pedicure treatment” courses in the New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy; Jane most likely will not have to sit any assessment to ensure she meets the criteria.

Example 2 of Credit Transfer

  • Jane successfully completed a qualification at XYZ Training Academy that included a unit in Manicure and Pedicure.
  • She now is applying to study the New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy at the National School of Aesthetics.
  • XYZ Training Academy does not use ITEC, CIBTAC or CIDESCO but is approved by the English government as a registered provider.
  • She wishes to have this prior learning credited towards her study so she doesn’t have to repeat it.
  • Jane would employ the Credit Transfer Procedure as the unit she has learned is not the same as NaSA’s “Demonstrate and apply knowledge of contraindications to manicure and pedicure treatments”, “Demonstrate and apply knowledge of cosmetic products and tools for manicure and pedicure treatments”, and “Perform a manicure treatment or pedicure treatment” courses or the units employed by ITEC.
  • In this case, NaSA’s “Demonstrate and apply knowledge of contraindications to manicure and pedicure treatments”, “Demonstrate and apply knowledge of cosmetic products and tools for manicure and pedicure treatments”, and “Perform a manicure treatment or pedicure treatment” courses requirements or standards may not match XYZ’s requirements or standards, so Jane will most likely have to sit both a practical and theory assessment at NaSA to ensure she meets NaSA’s criteria.

Application Procedure for Credit Transfer

Find out which course or courses you believe you have knowledge and / or skills that you gained through formal training through another recognised training provider

  • A course is defined as a full unit with performance criteria, which, when combined with other courses, creates a programme and leads to a qualification. For example, the “Perform a manicure treatment or pedicure treatment” course is one of several courses creating the New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy programme.

Apply for Credit Transfer using the Application for Credit Towards a NaSA Programme Form downloadable from our Web site.

  • You need to submit your Credit Transfer application with your normal Application Form.
  • You must complete Credit Transfer before you enrol with us.
  • We may charge you a fee for each assessment. See www.nasa.co.nz/fees/.
  • You must pay your Credit Transfer fees (not your programme fees) prior to us assessing you.

Once we receive your Credit Transfer application and fees, we will contact you to arrange your Assessment of Prior Learning.

  • If we determine assessment is not required, you can skip to step 9.

We will confirm an assessment timetable with you in writing.

You arrive to perform the assessment at the scheduled time.

  • If you are undertaking a practical Assessment of Prior Learning, you will need to supply a model and supplies. The assessor will discuss this with you prior to the assessment being booked.

Our assessor will outline your assessment and the timing of the assessment.

Our assessor will assess your performance and / or knowledge against the performance criteria outlined in our course. Our assessor uses this information in judging your competency.

Our assessor will assess your performance and / or knowledge against the performance criteria outlined in our course. Our assessor uses this information in judging your competency.

We will confirm your marks for the course assessed against and will send your results.

If you are successful in Credit Transfer, we will then offer you Recognition of Prior Learning. You are then able to enrol in the programme once we issue the offer of enrolment to you.

Your Recognition of Prior Learning results are only good for a programme until such time as that programme changes or the end of the academic school year, whichever comes first.

Cross Crediting

What is Cross Crediting?

Cross Crediting (CC) determines your knowledge and / or skills you have gained through formal training you have successfully completed with us 2 years ago or less. (Exceptions may occur to the 2 year limit.)

In which circumstances should I apply for Cross Crediting?

If you successfully completed formal training with us, you can apply for Cross Crediting. If you are known to us, you may automatically be granted Cross Crediting.

When does Cross Crediting take place?

You must apply for Cross Crediting during the application stage of your enrolment with us. We need to complete Cross Crediting prior to your full enrolment.

Do I have to pay for Cross Crediting?

No in most cases where you have completed training with us in the last 2 years.

Example of Cross Crediting

  • Jane successfully completed the New Zealand Certificate in Nail Technology with the “Demonstrate and apply knowledge of contraindications to manicure and pedicure treatments”, “Demonstrate and apply knowledge of cosmetic products and tools for manicure and pedicure treatments”, and “Perform a manicure treatment or pedicure treatment” courses in it through The National School of Aesthetics.
  • She now is applying to study the New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy through the National School of Aesthetics
  • She wishes to have this prior learning count towards her study to avoid repeating it.
  • Jane would employ the Cross Crediting Procedure as the course is the same for both programmes.

Your Recognition of Prior Learning results are only good for a programme until such time as that programme changes or the end of the academic school year, whichever comes first.

Maximum Credits Allowed in Recognising Your Prior Learning

The maximum credits we will generally credit you with if your application is successful are:

ProgrammeMaximum Credits
New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy20
New Zealand Diploma in Beauty Therapy20
New Zealand Certificate in Nail Technology20

The exceptions to these maxima are:

Where a student successfully completes this programme at The National School of Aesthetics:The student may be eligible for the following cross crediting for the following credit values for the following programmes:
New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy50 credits in the New Zealand Certificate in Nail Technology
50 credits in the New Zealand Diploma in Beauty Therapy
70 credits in the New Zealand Diploma in Beauty Therapy where electrology was successfully completed in the New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy
New Zealand Certificate in Nail Technology40 credits in the New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy

We reserve the right to alter these maxima where the Board approves it (per application).

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