You Must Complete All Assessments During Your Programme at The National School of Aesthetics
You must complete all of your assessments while at The National School of Aesthetics. Assessments form a vital part of determining how competent you are in your chosen industry.
General Information about Assessments
Assessments are your theory and practical assessments you complete either inside or outside class.
These can be:
- Assignments
- Projects
- Case studies
- Portfolio work
- Tests
- Final examinations
Assessments form 100% of your final grade.
We issue assessment notices with due dates listed for all formal assessments.
You must complete all assessments and pass each of them by at least 60%.
Definitions of Types of Assessments
Assessments are marked assessments that count towards your final grade.
Please note: We may give you things like homework and spot tests / quizzes to help you gain knowledge or test your skills. These are to help you and us, but they may not count towards your final grade.
An assignment is a piece of work, often open book, which you need to take home and complete in your own time.
You then will need to turn the assignment in to the correct tutor by the due date.
A project is a larger piece of work, often open book, which you need to take home and complete in your own time.
This tends to be a lot larger than an assignment and may take several days to complete.
You will then need to turn the project in to the correct tutor by the due date.
Case Study
A case study is where you perform a treatment and document that treatment on a template, usually a consultation form.
In the consultation form, you will need to make sure you meet all the requirements and reflect on what you did during the treatment.
You will complete more than one case study per subject.
You will then need to turn the case studies in to the correct tutor by the due date.
You can find more about case studies on our Case Studies page.
The case study templates are located on your Teams page. You will need a full, current version of Microsoft Word to use the form.
A portfolio is like a case study but has a more holistic approach.
You will need to make sure you meet all the requirements and reflect on what you did during the treatment.
You most likely will need to supply photographic evidence as well.
You will need to complete several portfolio entries over a certain period of time.
You will then need to turn the portfolio in to the correct tutor by the due date.
You can find out more about your portfolio on our Portfolio page.
The case study templates are located on your Teams page. You will need a full, current version of Microsoft Word to use the form.
Tests cover information or skills you covered in previous classes. We try to give you two (2) to three (3) weeks’ notice before a test.
Information on marking criteria and other vital requirements is usually emailed out to students and placed on the student notice board for you to access. This information makes the assessment process more transparent for you.
Most of your practical skills will be assessed via a practical test.
Final Examination
A final examination covers information or skills towards the end of your programme to determine your final competency.
Information on marking criteria, timing, and other vital requirements is usually emailed out to students and placed on the student notice board for you to access. This information makes the assessment process more transparent for you and allows you to arrange models, if required.
Most of your practical skills will be assessed in a final examination.
Number of Formal Assessments in Our Programmes
Formal Assessments – Certificate and Diploma in Beauty Therapy Concurrent Studies Programme
Formal Assessments in the New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy Section
You will have approximately:
- A dozen formal theory assessments; and
- Half a dozen formal case study practical assessments; and
- Over a dozen formal practical assessments.
Formal Assessments in the New Zealand Diploma in Beauty Therapy Section
You will have approximately:
- Half a dozen formal theory assessments; and
- Quarter of a dozen formal case study practical assessments; and
- Over half a dozen formal practical assessments.
Formal Assessments – New Zealand Certificate in Nail Technology Programme
You will have approximately:
- Half a dozen formal theory assessments; and
- Over half a dozen formal case study practical assessments; and
- One formal portfolio practical assessment comprised of around 100 individual portfolio entries in the second half of your programme; and
- Half a dozen formal practical assessments.
Informal Assessments Are Important to Your Success
Tutors may assign you homework and give you other non-formal assessments to help you and your learning. To succeed and achieve in your programme, we highly suggest you complete these.
Extensions on Assessments, Missed Assessments or Failed Assessments
Extensions on Assessments
In this instance, assessments refer to:
- Assignments
- Projects
- Case studies
- Portfolio work
If you need an extension on your assessment, you must apply for the extension five (5) days or more before the due date.
To do this, you must:
- Email the request for the extension directly to the assessor.
- Have extenuating circumstances for us to consider an extension.
- Understand the assessor will deal with extension requests on a case-by-case basis and has the right to seek input from other team members of our team to come to a decision.
If you fail your assessment on the first attempt (and this includes not handing the assessment in), you must resubmit your assessment to a passing standard on or before the due date assigned by the assessor.
Sitting a Missed Assessment
If you miss an assessment for a legitimate documented reason (e.g., illness, bereavement), your missed assessment does not count as an attempt on that assessment.
You must:
- Have contacted the Student Liaison Officer to report your absenteeism on the day.
- Supply a legitimate documented reason for your absenteeism from the initial assessment within 7 days.
- Sit the missed assessment at the next available opportunity. (You may be taken out of class to do this.)
Note: If you fail to supply appropriate documentation within 7 days from the initial assessment date, you will be charged a resit fee for resitting the assessment. The maximum mark you can gain for a resit is 60%, and your resit date will not be allocated until the outstanding fee is paid.
Resitting a Failed Assessment
If you have failed an assessment, you will need to resit the assessment and pass it to pass your programme.
You are entitled to one (1) resit opportunity per assessment where a reasonable attempt has been made on the first try of the assessment.
The maximum mark you can achieve on a resit is the minimum pass mark of 60%.
You must:
- Have made a legitimate attempt to sit and pass your assessment on the first try (e.g., answered all the questions in a theory assessment).
- Sit the failed assessment at the next available opportunity. (You may be taken out of class to do this).
If you do not pass your assessment on your second attempt, we may consider another assessment attempt for you; however, you may need to pay a resit fee for resitting any assessment beyond the second attempt.